Sunday, September 21, 2008


here are a few pictures i posted the rest on my photobucket account...

a true malawian!

nsima and greens

my favorite little man!

sunset at safari

What a cute kid!

I learned to slackline!

this one speaks for itself!

The group from my church... tracy myself and amy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

so this one time in Zambia...

How have the last three days been you ask… AMAZING!

The road to Zambia
Got up at 5:30 am to go to Zambia Wednesday and it took us about 7hrs to drive there. First we had to go through immigration and that took a good deal of time. Trying to be allowed to leave Malawi took a good 30+ min and then we walked through no mans land to Zambia and went through a 30-45min process trying to get in there. The bus got through also and we loaded back on and off we went. We drove for a bit and then the paved road turned to dirt and potholes. The next four hours were spent on this road. It was insanity! Though bumpy it was beautiful! The huts around us looked exactly as I had pictured Africa to look like. Plus the area is far more green then Malawi and that was refreshing! As we pulled up to our resort the Safari really began!

Living conditions…
What a bummer… our hotel had over booked so some of us got moved to a different resort that was about a 10min walk away. This place was amazing! I stayed with Amy and Lydia and our little house was lifted off the ground. It was like a tree house! Felt a bit like swiss family robinson! The second night I had to move to our actual hotel but it was still cool. Running all around the outdoor walkways were monkeys… and randomly some elephants would just wander through… seriously no joke. So down at my tree house here were some of the adventures. I sat about 30-50yds from some elephants and wrote in my journal/listened to music. One decided to take a nap… let me tell you an elephant laying down is a funny thing. I also was woken in the morning by an elephant walking around and the sounds of a hippo in the water at the end of the yard… The second night up at the regular hotel I woke to an elephant eating a tree/attempting to knock over a tree that was outside my window. Probably the most entertaining way to wake up at 4am!

Night ride 1
Had the best first safari ride ever! Headed out at 4pm saw giraffe, hippos, elephants, zebra, the tail of a leopard though he wanted his head to stay hidden, cape buffalo, impala, puku, crocks and storks. It was getting to be sunset so we pulled off for tea over looking a river which held hippos and crocks and watched the Zambian sunset. Beautiful?... YES! Then we drove around more and ran into some lions… a momma and three cubs. They walked over to some water and were drinking and all of us were amazed and intrigued. Do you know what is not far from mamma and her babies… DADDY. We turned around in our seats to see Mufasa right behind us! He strutted over so his family was in eye sight. The cubs walked over to him and played around and then they walked into the long grass. Good end to the first night!

Morning ride 1
Got up at 5am for a 6am drive. Saw the same animals except no lion but it was really beautiful! The animals are so great! We just drove around and looked at animals walking right next to us. Saw the Puku with their babies as well as zebra drinking together out of the water. Also we drove past this big open field and a hippo was just walking though, slow as can be though he did have a little gallop in his step! I learned that zebra live to be about 20yrs and giraffe 28. Elephants live much like humans in to their 60’s commonly but often times much longer. I also learned elephants have a handedness… or rather tuskness. Most of them are right “handed” and you can tell because of the ware on their right tusk. Male giraffe have no hair on those balls that stick out of their head because it has worn off due to fighting other male giraffe.

Night ride 2
Similar events which never got old but this night can be summed up in a leopard hunt. My driver fred had a hunch and we sat in a field shinning a spot light around looking for the orange reflection of a predators eyes rather then the blue of animals that are prey. Driving down a non road we spotted another vehicle and together spotted a leopard strutting through the tall grass. We drove around and caught him entering the open field. Watched him creep up to hide in pouncing position near some impala (deer like animals). To many cars were around so he never pounced. We left to do some lion hunting but came up empty handed with that.

Morning ride 2
Not everyone took this ride as we had to pay 20 extra dollars to do it. I figured I was in Africa and you pay nearly 20 to go to the zoo so why not. Nine of us went and all I can say is what a morning… the only way to start the following thought is this
Before eight this morning…
I was in Zambia, I set off in a safari car, I saw giraffe bedded down still, hippos having one heck of a fight mouths wide open. At least ten crocs in one place. Mufasa sarabi simba and zazu graced us with their presence. Mufasa sat just outside some tall grass and overlooked the short green grass land… not kidding he was just chillin there. Eventually her turned and walked into the grass so fred drove off not wasting any time! We drove up on some elephant and 3babies were included in this group. There were zebras (who also had babies) in the same area and what a sight it was. Went on to see some more elephant, zebra, puku and impala. What a morning!

Then we took the same journey back to Malawi and I now find myself chillin in front of the computer wondering if that all really happened… looking at the pictures I am quickly reminded that mere hours ago I was chillin with so many creatures!

so this one time in Zambia...

How have the last three days been you ask… AMAZING!

The road to Zambia
Got up at 5:30 am to go to Zambia Wednesday and it took us about 7hrs to drive there. First we had to go through immigration and that took a good deal of time. Trying to be allowed to leave Malawi took a good 30+ min and then we walked through no mans land to Zambia and went through a 30-45min process trying to get in there. The bus got through also and we loaded back on and off we went. We drove for a bit and then the paved road turned to dirt and potholes. The next four hours were spent on this road. It was insanity! Though bumpy it was beautiful! The huts around us looked exactly as I had pictured Africa to look like. Plus the area is far more green then Malawi and that was refreshing! As we pulled up to our resort the Safari really began!

Living conditions…
What a bummer… our hotel had over booked so some of us got moved to a different resort that was about a 10min walk away. This place was amazing! I stayed with Amy and Lydia and our little house was lifted off the ground. It was like a tree house! Felt a bit like swiss family robinson! The second night I had to move to our actual hotel but it was still cool. Running all around the outdoor walkways were monkeys… and randomly some elephants would just wander through… seriously no joke. So down at my tree house here were some of the adventures. I sat about 30-50yds from some elephants and wrote in my journal/listened to music. One decided to take a nap… let me tell you an elephant laying down is a funny thing. I also was woken in the morning by an elephant walking around and the sounds of a hippo in the water at the end of the yard… The second night up at the regular hotel I woke to an elephant eating a tree/attempting to knock over a tree that was outside my window. Probably the most entertaining way to wake up at 4am!

Night ride 1
Had the best first safari ride ever! Headed out at 4pm saw giraffe, hippos, elephants, zebra, the tail of a leopard though he wanted his head to stay hidden, cape buffalo, impala, puku, crocks and storks. It was getting to be sunset so we pulled off for tea over looking a river which held hippos and crocks and watched the Zambian sunset. Beautiful?... YES! Then we drove around more and ran into some lions… a momma and three cubs. They walked over to some water and were drinking and all of us were amazed and intrigued. Do you know what is not far from mamma and her babies… DADDY. We turned around in our seats to see Mufasa right behind us! He strutted over so his family was in eye sight. The cubs walked over to him and played around and then they walked into the long grass. Good end to the first night!

Morning ride 1
Got up at 5am for a 6am drive. Saw the same animals except no lion but it was really beautiful! The animals are so great! We just drove around and looked at animals walking right next to us. Saw the Puku with their babies as well as zebra drinking together out of the water. Also we drove past this big open field and a hippo was just walking though, slow as can be though he did have a little gallop in his step! I learned that zebra live to be about 20yrs and giraffe 28. Elephants live much like humans in to their 60’s commonly but often times much longer. I also learned elephants have a handedness… or rather tuskness. Most of them are right “handed” and you can tell because of the ware on their right tusk. Male giraffe have no hair on those balls that stick out of their head because it has worn off due to fighting other male giraffe.

Night ride 2
Similar events which never got old but this night can be summed up in a leopard hunt. My driver fred had a hunch and we sat in a field shinning a spot light around looking for the orange reflection of a predators eyes rather then the blue of animals that are prey. Driving down a non road we spotted another vehicle and together spotted a leopard strutting through the tall grass. We drove around and caught him entering the open field. Watched him creep up to hide in pouncing position near some impala (deer like animals). To many cars were around so he never pounced. We left to do some lion hunting but came up empty handed with that.

Morning ride 2
Not everyone took this ride as we had to pay 20 extra dollars to do it. I figured I was in Africa and you pay nearly 20 to go to the zoo so why not. Nine of us went and all I can say is what a morning… the only way to start the following thought is this
Before eight this morning…
I was in Zambia, I set off in a safari car, I saw giraffe bedded down still, hippos having one heck of a fight mouths wide open. At least ten crocs in one place. Mufasa sarabi simba and zazu graced us with their presence. Mufasa sat just outside some tall grass and overlooked the short green grass land… not kidding he was just chillin there. Eventually her turned and walked into the grass so fred drove off not wasting any time! We drove up on some elephant and 3babies were included in this group. There were zebras (who also had babies) in the same area and what a sight it was. Went on to see some more elephant, zebra, puku and impala. What a morning!

Then we took the same journey back to Malawi and I now find myself chillin in front of the computer wondering if that all really happened… looking at the pictures I am quickly reminded that mere hours ago I was chillin with so many creatures!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

some thoughts

Feeding Mgwayi
This last Friday we had staff appreciation day with loads of games and a big lunch. There was kids here from some of the COTN houses and some of the staff came though the staff dinner was moved to Monday so more will come to that. As games were occurring we saw some mgwayi kids hanging around the back of our compound. Mgwayi is the village that backs our compound split only by an open field. We have been going to mgwayi five days a week for the last two months really making a connection with these kids. They sat watching us run around and laugh and play. All the interns hearts were breaking wanting these kids to come join us, though we were not sure what our directors would say so we avoided it. After some time they just started coming in. Looking at them they had gone home washed and put on their finest clothes before coming in. Lunch was approaching and looking around there was a lot more people then originally planned. Though that was not about to stop us, we started calling groups up to eat and mgwayi was included. These kids stood patiently in line while cooks rushed to make more food. Happily they sang songs and smiled in line. One by one they got their own plate of food and a fork. They went outside looking like they had one some sort of prize. After some coloring, food and games we walked them home. Looking back at the line of kids we were taking home there was more then fifty mgwayi kids that got to come play and eat! And still there was food for the interns! God provides!
I have spent the last two months with a group of interns that have really made this trip exactly what it is. I have grown into someone that is more myself then ever before. All in all I am still me though these interns have spent time helping me grow. There are a handful of the interns that I have gotten close to. We have all spent time learning just how to call each other on our lives. It has been great having some amount of accountability here. I was afraid I would be missing that considering I am use to meeting with Katie weekly as I have been for four years. I am glad that there is a handful of interns that I know I will still be friends with for the rest of my life.

Cant wait to get back to my friends and family. I am so excited to have my kitty back as my bed is very empty without my salma! I am so excited for food. The no wheat thing is way more of a problem then I thought it would be. I am so over rice for every meal. Meals were never this much energy before and I never had to think about them as much as I do here. The other day I had bought powdered broth to add to my rice so I could have soup. Well this particular kind was one I had had here before though it was a different brand. With in ten minutes my stomach was in knots and louder then ever. Well that brand used wheat. My poor stomach wanted nothing to do with it! But I was fine by that evening. Note to self NO WHEAT! Though I love it here and hope one day to return I am excited to get home and start the next chapter in my life. Out of college for a year before grad school I am really looking forward to a much needed and much earned break from school! Grad school apps here I come!

Coming back?
I love Africa… I may love Alaska just a little more! But given the opportunity to come back and work here again for another summer I would do it in a heart beat! Already finding it a struggle… one which will take me a year to pray over… to know if I should come back next year. Seems like walking back into mgwayi and seeing all my kids again would be amazing and irreplaceable. Going back to camp would be beyond amazing… and yes Bob and Gramma I have even thought about just working and putting money in the bank! Who knows what God will bring in the next year!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


ok instead of the normal thursday evening/afternoon IM session it will be friday! I will be in zambia for safari wed thurs and fri. i get back fri night and leave sat morning for the lake at salima (which is in malawi) then i will be back sunday and leave tuesday for home... and i arrive wed the 20th. Ruggers i assume normal activities will occur wed because i miss you all! spread the word friends.
as far as being home i have my grandpas 75 birthday party in oregon the 23rd-25th so i will be gone those days and will be around visiting my other grandparents and folks before i take the big step of moving! eeek cant wait to start the next step in my life!
But i will be online for the last scheduled time this friday at 2pm seattle time 5pm tennessee time and 11pm malawian time!

talk to you then!

wedding crashers

imagine this: you are having your wedding and its just as you pictured (imagine you are malawian or this just wont work) you are dressed in your white gown and your husband in his tux. Its just great your in love and as usual at a malawian wedding people come up to the stage at the reception and dance in front of you and through money. Then a big bus pulls up and a bunch of white folks get off. awkwardly dance around and give you money. Though they continue to stare awkwardly in amazement. your wedding has just become a show... a tourist attraction. awkward and rude.... yes. and we did that not once but count them TWICE and all in the span of three hours. HMM not cool to me. But our director knew the folks and said it would be cool. I dont know though. we walked in and everyone stared at us. its the brides day stare at her. i woulda been upset for sure.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I will be in zambia next Thursday so no online for me. I will figure out when I can get on IM and let you all know by Monday or Tuesday!