Sunday, August 10, 2008


ok instead of the normal thursday evening/afternoon IM session it will be friday! I will be in zambia for safari wed thurs and fri. i get back fri night and leave sat morning for the lake at salima (which is in malawi) then i will be back sunday and leave tuesday for home... and i arrive wed the 20th. Ruggers i assume normal activities will occur wed because i miss you all! spread the word friends.
as far as being home i have my grandpas 75 birthday party in oregon the 23rd-25th so i will be gone those days and will be around visiting my other grandparents and folks before i take the big step of moving! eeek cant wait to start the next step in my life!
But i will be online for the last scheduled time this friday at 2pm seattle time 5pm tennessee time and 11pm malawian time!

talk to you then!

1 comment:

M and H said...

Sam -

Sorry to miss you on the IM sessions, but so excited to see you SOON!!! Love you so much, and appreciate how you are impacted by all around you... We'll talk!

Had and I are getting ready for our big trip - leaving next Saturday to head south!!! Yahoo!!! Hi to the Ruggers and all your gang that we'll miss seeing the Wednesday you return... Safe travels! The culture shock does subside - I promise, but the memories stay...

With love,
Auntie M & Had