Tuesday, July 15, 2008

AHH i miss you

well totally healthy now! thought you all would like to know

I am learning the language here pretty quick. its been really great and the kids are happy to help! today i carried water for the first time on my head with no hands! WOOT!  I ran around with kids so much yesterday and it was awesome. When i went in to the village today i heard shouts from all around of kids calling my name. One girl specifically has my heart, she is 13 her name is krissy and i adore her.  i would love to be able to sponsor her is she is available. keep her in your prayers
as i went to my sports ministry today at MUZU the kids were great.  we played games and they heard a good word from the bible.  as we left we had about 100 children chasing the car because they think we are rad... well we are! they are pretty great themselves.  Before they were afraid of us and now they run and sit on our laps or leap into our arms!  oh they are great!  

its gotten cold, sitting in sweats and a longsleeve right now!  but its given way to some beautiful sunsets!  cant wait to show you all pics!

miss you....
love you babies i think you should comment me back because i miss you so much!!!!

love you all and thanks to all those who supported this... God is good!

blessings... update me on your life folks i miss you!

also thanks for the letters katie downing they have been great! you are a blessing!



Anonymous said...

It deleted my comment because i am stupid and click w/o reading. it went a little something like this:

DUDE!!!! Stop it with the rad business...its rediculous. Be flithy or something real man. SO many random acts of weirdness have happened in the last month. I get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow and then may have to have surgery on my gut. I am hoping that one is a no go.

Its pretty sick that everything is going well down there. Bummer its cold though. Summer finally started here about 2 weeks ago and its AWESOME dude!

Oh my buddy Swen (aka. Sarah Swenson), my 6' dominating lock, joined the peace corp/core and is in Liwonde, Malawi...kinda random...maybe u guys could start a club...ruggers who care...the lame-ness ozes out...i love it.


PS...shoulda seen me at the wedding man!hair...nails...tonails...dress...all of it done up right...ReDIC

Verrückt said...

hey sami! i'm glad you are feeling better! and that's amazing that you can balance water on your head, that's one of my life goals. although, i don't know when i'll ever use that talent, but still, i want to make it available ;)
you said you want updates on our lives, i have my blog linzebm.blogspot.com but i doubt you have much time to browse the net so when you are online, probably email. but if you have time, that's my blog. all-in-all Germany is AMAZINGGGGGGGG. i want to live here, seriously. i think i will one day. the only downside of this whole trip, is everything is so expensive, i'm running out of money, and i'm not even half way thru my trip! oi vey! but yeah, i <3 Berlin and i'm going to move here one day.

stay safe sami! i miss you!